Wednesday, January 29, 2014

25 July 2013 - Lesson with Trainer C

No spurs, no drop on the nose band! Went well flipped the tounge once and put it back under when I gave - he was still rushing - and trainer took video during lesson for me just on the final course we 2 times through, no the flat work though.

Id like to say it was super doper amazing but it wasn't - it was good, and she think the strap is a bad idea, more putting whip under the thumb occasionally but I need to use my brain to retrain lol kinda cool. Ok so it was great, really I'm just a bit sour grapes with myself. Still in the clip my hands drop on corners and my elbows!EEK! When I get tired in the core she picked up is when everything starts falling apart - the elbows lock, hands drop, I brace. She reiterated same as said here - more seat riding but not to take leg off - to just leave it be. He still locked the jaw on me a few times but we are running him into the fence more than to keep asking and stiffening further.

So from one extreme of no go buttons, to to much go button and not really a forward button either...

My (lower) back really aches from the ride whooo still weak and/or I'm using it incorrectly, and another lesson booked in for next week, ill post video of tonight in next day or two.

I do have a question though as I've had so many different opinions - where do you ask the leg yeild from. Today I was told to move the leg slightly back and ask for over. Others have said do not move the leg anywhere and ask there for over... I know it will differ between jumpers/hunters/dressage - but I want the dressage answer as thats what I place more importance on.

This is the first open/non filled fence we have done, and we just put the height up... so not worried that he dropped the rail

This is first time through after taking the height of the fences up: (still uploading)

One more to come:

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