Wednesday, January 29, 2014

14 July 2013 - Return to work

Way way overdue for a update... but that could be because I went on holiday for 2 months!

So while on holiday, I sent pencil to Trainer A - so the first trainer/friend because I just couldn't afford the other one.

First ride back on he was heavy in the hand and still felt the same as ages ago and needing whacking to get forward each ride... so took P man home and gave him 2 weeks off....

Got my fav chiro back out and took a good look at him - she thinks there is a old injury in the SI thats just going to need work often, and plenty of stretches... so back riding heaps! Yay

Flat work has been going great since I've come back, he is really starting to understand and get stronger/more balanced - I can get 15m trot circles 90% of the time, and even the odd canter down in size. He LOVES to stretch down and out, and got a wee bit sore - because he was so happy there, I left him there and we overdid it a little.
Hadn't jumped at all since coming back from Holiday... and then got a spot on a show hunter clinic for the weekend just been. Exciting - first time for a group lesson, going in a indoor and jumping with me on board for a while!

He went fantastic with all the other horses around, no worries at all. Canter transitions need work. Today I got to feel proud as punch and got made a example of on how to ride a horse from the leg to the hand to get the horse going forward and soft/engaged he was being a bit of a toad in the indoor (given the wind ripping shed roofs off, downing trees and power out for 4 hours today its kinda understandable) and kept getting distracted when it was our turn to do the exercise. Given how green in terms of jump schooling he is - he did incredibly well with the questions asked - jump a low cross rail on a angle (first time haha), from the left rein, then go to the right rein on landing and over two pole on the corner of a 20m circlish things, and another on the next turn - that was to help with flying changes (WOW big ask), first time was just to much for him and we trotted through the poles (but got the right lead after the cross rail anyway), next time had the wrong lead, and he changed in front, and followed through behind in the next stride - so proud and wasn't expecting anything from him at all.
Next we swapped to a course, and boy was it great for both of us!! Fantastic instructor who despite knowing nothing of us picked up what was going on and why - first we got yelled at heaps for not cantering the course (my fault), by the end of the lesson we had the most fantastic wee round - it was not easy for him at all a) with cantering everyting b) the tight turns c) getting all the leads.
But the biggest thing that came out of it from my perspective is the better rider I am, the easier the horse under my finds the answer to the questions I'm asking. I was a bit lazy and not really riding the first rounds, but second day last round we got in 90% foot perfect on a even tighter course, higher course with more questions (bending lines/related lines etc).

We also got a partial clip done with out any sedatives - bit uh.... unattractive!!! But work in progress with the clippers for the P-man - hobbling horses to get "jobs" done is the worst thing ever and can't say I'd buy a horse like that ever again!

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