Wednesday, January 29, 2014

16 November 2012

Hopping, transitions is the issue of the day
I know its a out of work evasion, but its starting to bug me, hopping into the upwards transitions.

Leg yeilding into the transition is one of the better ways of it not occuring, but if he is not on the outside rein it will still happen.

Same can happen into the canter transition, but not as likely.

Can even go as far as a halt, canter stride before immediately coming down to trot(or walk).

I've been on 4-5 times since surgey (SQUEALS), a couple of hacks, and some short schooling sessions.

The video clip I have that I thought showed it best, he only does it once near the end (specifically working on this issue).

What I did notice though, is the hop is coming up through the shoulders a lot....

This is the latest vid with a friend riding

When schooling, I spend a heaaaap of time at walk, and trot. A lot of it is now trying to get some longitudinal flexion as that is where he lacks the most now, and the start of SI, coming down to 5m volts, begining pirouette in walk to get the control on the shoulders and HQ now that forward isn't such a issue - meaning I'm working the back end/stepping through with weighting the inside hind friend doesn't work so much on that, because I can do that easily with my hip not locking up (which it does at canter). Keeping the rides, short busy and full of transitions is the goals because the attention span doesn't allow for going in endless circles. He certainly has the strength and stamina for the schooling now, which I don't believe he had earlier.

I need to get a clip of me riding I know... acutally he is worse jumping.

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