I have figured that the type of horse he is, I need to wear spurs for dressage or it ends up being a battle to ask him to move off the leg, and stay forwards and soft - I just don't have the strength in my leg yet to keep him moving forward and off the right leg... and feel I look a little silly with one spur on!!
So, I have entered in our first ODE this coming Sat, at 80cm (Pre-training NZ level)!!!
Ran through the dressage test last night, not expecting miracles for it - some nice moments, and some poor moments (canter transitions) and a canter, trot walk down transition between A,F,and B - they come up really quickly and I generally get the tranny a few steps after the marker... and the halts he still braces into - but really he is pretty green that I'm not concerned about it. I have to remember to cut the corners with the canter transition or he just can't get the trans.
Jumping wise - I'll have to be careful with andy right hand bend/turns off a jump as he tends to get long and strung out on that rein, popping the outside shoulder - will walk the course with the intent to trot those turn (SJ) or I risk flying out the side of the arena
XC - don't think I'll have a problem there, just have to ride each stride into the fences and I plan on trotting most of it, and its the same place the schooling photos are at.
So on the downside - do to the extra bulges I have gained while not riding - my white breeches don't fit me anymore!!!!!!! And the showjacket is button popping tight.... going to see if I can borrow off a friend. Its been a good 10 months since a competition, and more like 2 years since I've done one on my own horse!!! Pencil got his mane pulled/trimmed and tail washed yesterday, so I'm yet to decide if I'll plait for the ODE or not....
I have a team of friends coming to watch me - so will have vid/photos
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