Wednesday, January 29, 2014

10 Jan 2014 - New Year!

I've done 1 more HT's at training since I last posted - so I moved Pencil up a level, and one went well, one not so well. And I've done a couple of One Day events at training level as well (non affiliated). They were all pre-christmas. During december I had a couple of lessons with a dressage instructor which were fantastic - the goal is SLOW, slooow sloweer, So the rhythm and tempo don't fly out the window, and we will add the power back in later, other wise he rushes to much, and drops the forehand immediately. I'm going to try get another with her in the next couple of weeks.

I have given pencil 3 weeks off over xmas time, and now I'm getting ready to get him fit for the remainder of the season. (A copy of a post from elsewhere) from last nights riding below.

Took pencil XC schooling last night - had a blast - he is such a dude! I rode Wednesday night, and then took him out last night - and thats after he has had 3 weeks off.

We did some big kids jumps too! Took him a little bit to figure it out, but we are getting more and more in sync its so cool. I can ask him to go - and he goes now. For example - the water jump - i've not done much schooling around it because he has been happy to walk in - and thats how I school - go slow and the rider does as little as possible so the horse has faith in himself, and that the rider hasn't asked them to do anything that causes hurt or doubt. It always has to be a good experience. I know some riders who watch me wonder on what I do - but its making itself shown now. I had popped over a roll top, and a couple of showjumps (small) that were in the paddock to start off with. Then went direct to the water jump - walking over, and walked straight up to the drop in and dropped my reins - let Pencil walk in. Trot out the ramp. Canter down the bank next. Canter over a 80cm jump, one stride and in - once through - he is happy and confident. Go straight to the next option up - canter in over a 95cm jump, one stride and jump over a log into the water - that was his first time jumping over something into water - and he did it like he has done it before Did that one more time so I could have him canter out the ramp and keep moving as he was trotting out (water was deep and splashing us!) So I thought righto - big girl panties on, let try the out options. So over a different log into the water - and a bounce up out of the water over a 1m fence. This IS a ask, its a question for Pencil - he has never bounced up a bank, or done a bounce on XC. First time through he trotted up - so I wasn't worried that he ran off the bounce... he was to busy looking - it was probably confusing for him. Next time through, I put my leg on to say go - and go he did - but don't ask me how he fitted a stride into the space for a bounce up!! But he went over - and that is where the training comes in. He knows where his legs are and how to get them through places that are awkward! I laughed at everyone gasping! Good BOY! Third time through he did is perfectly!
Next I went down a trebble of logs - he was a little sticky so I did it twice. Then let him have a rest for 10 mins, he has just had time off LOL.
Next went over the trac, some pipes, and then I wanted to play around with the bank complex. Up the little steps, then up and down the big bank - he had a wee look at the down bank at first. So did it again. Then the panties got put back on. What we had was a jump up onto a individual "bank" or say a step up onto a box that was seperate from the bank complex, so a 3 x 3m "platform" the back edge has a small log for a ground line, then a 1.5m gap/dtich to the main bank complex that also had a larger log on the edge. So you jump onto the platform, bounce on that over the log and land on the top of the complex. So I trotted up to the platform, let pencil have a look, and asked him to step up onto it, got his front legs up, and then stepped off again. Came in (canter was a little bit pokey) and not quite bounced over it but - got through it Next time - went through PERFECTLY - YAY - then we toddled off (well cantered) to do a couple of simpler fences to end on. And although they were simple - we jumped the BIG ones! The 1.05m (or what we call Pre-Novice) and he jumped them LOVELY he Looked, I felt him check himself (and he would normally fall behind my leg if he did that), but I could put my leg on, sit and drive and weee he went with no hesitation! I left it at that, I didn't want him sweaty and puffing to hard or to give him a hard workout with the little work he has had lately. I'll start gearing him up now with interval training over the next three weeks, and head back out for more schooling next week where I'll feel happier to send him more forward, and do more.

I'm signed up for a Lucinda Green Clinic - super exciting - there is a Horse Trail at the same location the weekend before, so I'm going to make a week of it - travel up Friday, do the HT over Sat/Sun, hang around Monday and do the clinic Tues/Wed, come back Thursday - which will be fantastic if I have any issues XC at the HT we will be schooling over the same course to go back and fix them! Super dooper excited - haven't told the husband yet (oops). Its 4.5hrs away from home.

Pencil has also filled in HEAPS, I need to post a photo. Some many people commented last night with that look of "wow" can't believe tone - saying he "IS" a solid horse isn't he. Well yes he is - he is just gone 7 now, and has always had a weedy look to him because he hadn't filled OUT and now he is His canter also felt fantastic and light last night too.

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