So those who know me, know that I have a green horse. They also know I'm not a novice, and pretty capable rider.

But I'm getting a little bit miffed... or impatient(more likely).

Every horse I've started or taught "go" hasn't taken much work at all. And within a week at a squeeze of the calf they pop forward. And soon after just the thought and they go.

But Foozle... well - he is a enigma.

So, there has been a improvement, he doesn't back off the whip every time, but he doesn't exactly scoot forward either.

He doesn't always back off the leg, but again doesn't scoot forward.

To get a good scooting tooting forward active trot can take a lap of the arena with me doing a combination of smack, cluck growl, yelling, leg lifting/thumping, praising at the slightest instant then straight back to escalating up the asking until I'm back at "cowboying" down the long side to get this smart moving trot again and then praising until my voice squeaks. If he so chooses to canter... thats fine by me too. And low and behold if we get in a big open paddock and i'm feeling like a good blast - but Foozle - well he just ain't gonna move past a sedate lopy canter (although very ground covering I can't say he is moving fast at all).... much to my frustration.

I've lunged him plenty, so he can do it with eyes closed moving in the toot scooting way I'm after - but thats not just voice commands the whip needs to be used.

When he is moving - its forward in the sense he is tracking up, and carrying himself through - but not always active enough for my liking. And to get MORE out of him can lead to nagging very very easily. If I get on and he is in the "mood" to go - its a run - so no good there either.

So, he has the new saddle(fitted), the chiro last week, and a MT session early this week, new shoes and is good to go.

I know he physically has to strengthen still - and his rides are short (20-40mins) with plenty of breaks, and I know he CAN do it. But the response to the aids to ask for it just isn't as sharp as I'm expecting.

Am I expecting to much, to soon from him? Any other ideas for hastening his response time? (i've tried all that is in my bag of tricks with some showing a improvement, and some going backwards)

He is a lazy horse... but that really doesn't mean much in my books.