Wednesday, January 29, 2014

11 March - Lesson with new(old) instructor...oh vey

Had my lesson this morning.

Unequivobly had my rear end handed to me within 5 minutes.

Got on walked around, then got started - got asked for a leg yeild in walk, and immediately got slammed for using rein against the neck (yup I was doing it on the basis I was told by different person to keep that rein short and forward, which ends up placing it on the neck), half a circle later and I was told to get off.
Trainer got on.... and spent the next 20mins schooling Pencil admonishing me "this horse has no idea what leg is" "to much hand and not enough leg"
So once she had him going sufficiently - lots of LY, and long/low work. She felt the same as I did, he works to the bridle and not into it, and as soon as he started working INTO the bridle I could see it and it made a BIG difference, he would take the rein down and out (yay - I havent been able to get that). She also felt because of that - its why he just throws his head up and leans on the bit for any down trannies....
Then I got back on.... dum doh ohhh
Immediately - GET THE HEEL DOWN, YOU DON"T LY WITH THE LEG BACK LIKE THAT, WHAT arrre you doinggg Pip, get. off.
She showed me what I was doing, to what I should be doing. Get back on...
Better, a bit.
PIP LET GO OF THE INSIDE REIN, you don't need it, what are you doing with it, let it go.. LET IT GO, I said LET IT GO. Good thats it.

And on that went until I could sufficiently trot one large circle with Pencil taking the rein down, then picking it up, coming onto a 15m circle AT A, not anywhere else, and then LY back out to the large circle without A) Pencil getting faster, Pencil Coming Up, and Pencil falling in/against the leg. That took a hour.

Canter work, very short and sweet, Pencil was getting tired by now and so was I... it wasn't much, but again trot big circle, take the rein, pick it up legyeild out and the canter trans. I got it easy going to the left and took ages to get it on the right... inside HAND Pip - Let it go. Ride the trot RIDE IT, Outside rein RIDE IT...

The reason I love this trainer is because for very simple things she makes you feel HORRIBLE for it, like I'm the most terrible rider in the that sounds bad... but it means when you get it right - it really means something to you. You still don't feel fantastic about yourself, but you feel fantastic that you got the horse moving better. And because you felt so horrible - it sticks like mud.

It also brought to attention how much I ride the horse that he was, the backwards thinking not forward moving horse. I still ride him like that, and he isnt that horse anymore. I could have told her allsorts about how we got to where we are today - but really it doesn't matter. What matters is the horse I have today and I need to ride THIS horse, not THAT horse... and I think I have got caught up in riding THAT horse.... so I head back in a week for antoher lesson! Something I sorely needed.

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