Wednesday, January 29, 2014

23 July 2013 - Locking the Jaw

P-man has been in work for a while now, still green and inexperienced - but starting to develop balance/strength and a basic understanding of the way of going.

Basically, where I’m at is that he has started to lock the jaw against the bit more often than not – on the circle its not an issue to deal with, using more leg to outside rein/ask for some bend or LY and he will come through again. But on straight lines I’m having trouble.

I did video myself (and now need to wait until I’m home and get on youtube to upload), and I’m doing some things I shouldn’t be like dropping the outside contact more than I thought, using wide hands because I’m letting the reins go long… I also found that when it was getting worse I had locked the thigh and making an effort to take them off the saddle/relax helped everything in general.

So thinking I need exercises to help once on the long side, and there is no room to LY further across, and without necessarily circling would be good. I’ve considered shoulder in, but he isn’t quite ready/there for that yet. And circles aren’t always the answer because you still need to be able to go down the long side from one end to the other with nothing in the middle.

Video to come

I'm annoyed because I've tried three times to upload with no success. Grrrr

Its something more so with the horse AT this moment - although I will add that I as a rider could have incited the habit/behaviour to start... two other riders have been on, one more educated than myself, the other of similar level and he was still doing it the same for them. The more educated did seem to prevent it, and manage it much better than I did however - not doing anything more that I was, just maybe a better contact and stronger leg?

Both added that its a evasion that most young horses will try to do, we all agree that his strength development/fitness isn't there yet and can add to the problem - just not as much as for what he is showing.

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