Today I had a lesson booked in with a lady I've never lessoned (is that a word?) with before. She is recommended by friends who do do very well with their horses, and has also ridden a bit of everything including eventing. I've seen her kids go and always admired them.
It was a dressage lesson, and we had a rope arena up (yay), and it was a long one 60 x 20m. I haven't even LOOKED at my dressage test for this up coming weekend didn't even think about it when booking my class... and whoops, maybe I should have.
Its NZ eventing test A3... trot in, track left change rein H to B, 15m trot circle, change rein B to K, walk over L. Canter before A, P 20m circle give inside rein over V, B change rein, I trot through to H - rinse repeat above on other rein, except back at C after cantering, walk, S 20m circle on long rein, E trot, V half Circle to L, X halt salute.
A few things, YAY there is no changes of rein from H-F etc - that's a long long way to keep a wiggly horse straight, same for going down the long sides, to took AGES to get it today. Noted, do NOT use the outside rein to keep him over, inside rein to flex and inside leg to push him over. I must must MUST remember this.
So the lesson went really well, it had ugly moments, but what was nice is that I was not forgotten, even when Pencil was having fits, and resisting I got reminded to sit tall, keep the elbows in, hands down and thumbs on top... this is while the horse is reefing on me, or throwing pig roots...
After the customary time that Pencil likes to say - ENOUGH, it is time to flip my tongue over the bit and get a rest! We tried to work through it, but after boot camp yesterday with sprints, and a session at the gym today for a hour I was buggered about not, hip started to get tight... and it wasn't going well -Trainer decided to hop on to have a feel... half way through that - you must ride this horse better than I do - he is so wiggly, not straight, and ***K it went for the 15 mins. She didn't have spurs on and found him a little hard work (OK a lot).
I jumped back on, and got some BEAUTIFUL work from him, I actually felt like I had a short coupled horse instead of a long gangly galloot!
Got home, washed him (with shampoo even) and it didn't take me hours today dancing around his hooves, must be tired and just did a few dances, even got the mane and tail washed. I promptly let him go in the paddock full of grass, thinking if he rolls (likely) its not on dirt/dust.. he found the one spot the grass was thin on and voila dirty! Only on one side.
While I was chatting after my ride, teacher said - you need to fix that tail and trim it up. So i decided to have a go at it when I got home, I must say I'm proud of how I've done it. I'll take a picture over the weekend and show and tell. :)
Now I need to finish packing, shower, pick the husband up and get some sleep, I want to be on the road by ten tomorrow morning. Think its about 4.5 hours to to Taupo with the float on... maybe more like 4.
This is a blog of notes from various riding day, events and training. i'm hoping to track some form of progress. I've now got a new horse - Spider, who is a interesting fellow but nice enough.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Back to on time and Lesson back with Trainer B
So after what I considered a flop last weekend... I rang and grabbed a lesson with Trainer B today...
It went really really well, short sweet and to the point!
Started of in trot on both reins spirraling in, and leg yeilding out - easy peasy.
Same in canter - this is where is amazes me sometimes, one thing - one little itty bity thing can make such a big difference. I explained how he had been leaning on me... so for the circle to the right, all the trainer told me was, don't let the inside contact go, and allow with the outside to let him keep coming. BING! Got it straight away.
Next we had 3 poles set up in a bounce, 3 strides to another pole, 5 strides to the last pole, angles were all a bit funny - but made me ride. Took a few times through before we got that.
Following on from that, the first single pole went up to a small fence, as did the last two pole through the bounce. Canter through that twice, then carry on back through the bounces and straight for 3 strides to a oxer, 20m half circle to the next oxer - YAY good pony straight through that.
Rinse, repeat - add in another line - continue after the oxer through change of rein to the right, 15m turn off the end and back up over two verticles one stride apart. Done, not perfect, but he left his knees down over the first verticle, and rubbed, learned and picked them right up over the second verticle! Repeat one more time.
Change things up a little... over a tiny icky thing that set one stride off the rail going across shortways... make the turn to the left around the end to the second oxer (I'm going to put a picture in of the arena now so it makes sense), land go to the right over the verticles again, land to the left back to the same oxer, to the right, through the bounces and over the last oxer. Fence height went up significantly for this... rubbed them, and we lost rhythm through the bounce so we did it one more time.
PERFECT - such a clever pony, and the trainer was really really positive.. considering last lesson I had with her, I got yelled at, told to get off the horse and convinced to leave it there for training for a week with her!!
Another lesson tomorrow with someone different again that has been recommended to me before the next horse trial in the weekend. I'm half packed to go already!
It went really really well, short sweet and to the point!
Started of in trot on both reins spirraling in, and leg yeilding out - easy peasy.
Same in canter - this is where is amazes me sometimes, one thing - one little itty bity thing can make such a big difference. I explained how he had been leaning on me... so for the circle to the right, all the trainer told me was, don't let the inside contact go, and allow with the outside to let him keep coming. BING! Got it straight away.
Next we had 3 poles set up in a bounce, 3 strides to another pole, 5 strides to the last pole, angles were all a bit funny - but made me ride. Took a few times through before we got that.
Following on from that, the first single pole went up to a small fence, as did the last two pole through the bounce. Canter through that twice, then carry on back through the bounces and straight for 3 strides to a oxer, 20m half circle to the next oxer - YAY good pony straight through that.
Rinse, repeat - add in another line - continue after the oxer through change of rein to the right, 15m turn off the end and back up over two verticles one stride apart. Done, not perfect, but he left his knees down over the first verticle, and rubbed, learned and picked them right up over the second verticle! Repeat one more time.
Change things up a little... over a tiny icky thing that set one stride off the rail going across shortways... make the turn to the left around the end to the second oxer (I'm going to put a picture in of the arena now so it makes sense), land go to the right over the verticles again, land to the left back to the same oxer, to the right, through the bounces and over the last oxer. Fence height went up significantly for this... rubbed them, and we lost rhythm through the bounce so we did it one more time.
PERFECT - such a clever pony, and the trainer was really really positive.. considering last lesson I had with her, I got yelled at, told to get off the horse and convinced to leave it there for training for a week with her!!
Another lesson tomorrow with someone different again that has been recommended to me before the next horse trial in the weekend. I'm half packed to go already!
26 Jan 2014 - Central Districts Horse Trial
New Season started with the Central Districts Horse Trial in the weekend just been!!!
Quick update (10.02.2014 - photos added)

Few days late but the weekend can be considered a success... or not depending on how you look at it :/ I was wanting to wait for results to be posted so I knew where we ended up overall, but I haven't seen them yet.
Saturday was the drive down, and my oh my, after a hour I almost turned around and went home. Pencil was NOT happy.... when I stopped to see what was going on about 20mins into the 3.5 hour drive the pin had come out of the bum bar again and it meant the partition was swinging open/shut on him... so that would account for all the moving around he was going, got some twine and tied the darn thing to the bum bar and the other side and off we went again. He was better but still not standing still like he normally does, and a lot of either pawing or stomping going on, pulled over to check on him again thinking maybe the twine has snapped - nope nothing. So I just shrugged my shoulder and drove on trying to ignore the stomping and carrying on as much as possible before it got me stressed out - I had to remind my self to let my shoulders relax/drop a few times. Last 2 hours of the trip went MUCH better! Phew. Got to the grounds and YAY course looks awesome, everything looks awesome, only 5 odd other trucks/floats there so I got to park directly in front of Pencils yard (yus for not lugging gear around!) Turns out, one of the boots on the offside hind had dropped down to his fetlock and he was likely kicking at that annoying him (note to check I've done them up properly! - never done that before).
Let him have a walk around, threw him in the yard with some hay/water, cleaned out the float (note I need a hose to take with me in future to make it easir as theirs was to short).
Hopped on and went for a ride around the place to check it out, see where everything was, found my dressage arena, the showjumping and the xc start. Did 15min of schooling since I hadn't done any all week (whoops), put him up for the night, friends had arrived and parked next to me so I hung out with them and helped with their 3 horses. Plaited up, and walked the xc course.
Got a little bit boozy with friends and before I knew it, it was 1am and I freak out race to bed knowing I'm riding at 8:50!!! Stupid stupid LOL... turns out it didn't matter, the moon shone on my face in the back of the wagon and woke me up hourly anyway.. no sleeping in for me.
Dressage time, got on and went over, a little bit of a pain as his old owners came along and started to talk to me as I was warming up - I didn't want to be to rude, but it was at my own detrement - 10mins warm up probably wasn't enough, before I stopped to talk to them he was going lovely and kindly, soft and relaxed. When I picked up to carry on, he got tense and distracted - DOH. I thought the test was average, and it was... turns out average isn't that great.. can't have been any toerags in my class we ended up last! I was a bit peeved about it, but when I read the comments it was all extrememly fair and relevant - lack of straightness (true), fussy in the mouth (true), loss of rhythm (true).. so 43 penalties was fair... on the most positive note of the whole test we actually halted square and facing at OUR judge.. something we had not managed to achieve to date! Excited for my friend as she was sitting in 2nd after dressage (same class).
Showjumping... ICK, le sigh.. I am SO SO dissapointed in myself there, and Pencil... 4 FOUR rails... horse, could you please please stop being distracted and pick up your feet. It was NOT pretty, he warmed up ok, but motoring at the fences, not rushing but not relaxed and rhymic... in the ring - and BANG distractions galore.. the truck, the people, the filler on the ground beside the ring... (here I think - give him a chance, he has done 8 SJ rounds in his life) but still... grrr. Afterwards I think, I should have slowed him down and asked for more, but sometimes you get in the ring and everything flies out and its just getting through the round that you concentrate on... not each individual fence.... that is one thing I MUST improve on this coming weekend.
SO we reach the highlight of the day! XC! YAY GREAT PONY, he did SO SO well. Ok, maybe not SO SO, but SO well. LOL. The goal, and one and only goal I set for myself was no stops at fence one and two. ACHIEVED. YUS. Good Pony - so proud.
Doesn't mean he wasn't sticky though - so to achieve my objective, the idea was to FLY out of the start box, as I normally just wind up to a canter after trotting out... He is a funny horse because he warms up fantastically, goes, comes back, jump out of stride, and then we go to leave and boom, its goners. Anyway, we cracked on into a canter straight out of the start box and I was PUSHING him to GO. Got to the first fence, he got a 1,2 with the whip when he backed off, and another one with the whip when he broke to a trot - but jumped it from the trot and landed and weeeee off we went.

Fence One - Red numbered are my fences

Fence 2 - its ugly, no ground line, up hill and camber isn't right... we trotted and got a smack to make it over this one as well - they also opened the flags out so where the girl is standing could be jumped too.

Fence 3 - what a UGLY ugly fence, luckily we didn't have the shadows to deal with when jumping, he got a bit wiggly and rather close to rapped it.
Then there was a decent gallop down to the tree line in the distance of that photo

Fence 4 - this had me a little worried because it was in the shadows, and will be dark and gloomy when its time to jump the next day, the gallop stretch helped, but still trotted the last stride and popped over it. Then it was a curving line straight off this to the next fence. What was worry as well, is all the trucks and floats were parked and thats all you could see through here the next day, no paddock...

Fence 5 - had me a smidge worried leaving the paddock where all the horses were, and its a large fence (luckily sun wasn't a problem), I was rather thankful when I got here, because Pencil could see a horse in the distance further on in the course, but he was very very wiggly and we just about missing the darn fence, jumped it from trot again and on the angle! Happy he jumps from trot so easily!
I then cracked on, gave a smack and a hoi up to get moving - was over this sticky trotting business...

Fence 6 and 7 - normally this would be a A and B fence, with the related strides... but because it was different number meant we could circle between them if needed. Sucked back a little, but cantered through these really nicely, I was really pleased with how he went through here.

Fence 8 - rut rooo.... we erm, ah, had a extra er pass at this one... directly between the jump and the tree... rather than going over the fence. Because I had cracked on at him, we were going a littttlllle to quick, and when he goes faster, sometime the steering responses decrease... never mind, we came around and popped over it nicely second time. What you also can't see is there was a lot going on here with major corner complex and we were right under the trees... so probabaly should have accounted for this some more.

Fence 9 - 90 degree turn off the corner, popped over this (from a trot again), and off for another stretch to move out for a gallop.

Fence 10 - meant to be more of a galloping fence, but we trotted the last stride in as he had a wee look

Fence 11 a/b - under more trees, skinny on a curve and the a fence wasn't really small - this was the fence that had me the most worried and where I expected to have issues... but no, we still trotted into it (BIG effort) and made it through

Fence 12 - there was another long stretch to this, where you can see after is the water complex which was AWESOME, and I went straight over this, carried on and down into the water.. turn left around the "island"

To the left of this pic, we came up out of the water up a small step, 2 strides and over the roll top (Fence 13) you can just see, then turn hard right and back into the water over the small logs (Fence 14) you can see flagged on the RHS of the pic.

Looking backwards at them from Fence 15 just out of the water... these can be a little tricky if the horse is sticky coming out of water, especially up a bank... luckily this was low enough you can trot over it.

Fence 16 a,b,c - up a bank with a small ditch in front (you can't see), down the bank, 4 strides and over C.

Fence 17 - straight forward but a slightly funny line off the C above, I'm standing at the back of C... we cantered this one!

Fence 18 - I nearly come off him here... as you can see - its not that visible, and Pencil nearly tripped over it!! Jeepers creepers, how would that be for bad luck to fall off between this and the flags.
And that was the xc course of 3600m - phew... tired pony and pip at the end - but grinning like mad!
Quick update (10.02.2014 - photos added)
Few days late but the weekend can be considered a success... or not depending on how you look at it :/ I was wanting to wait for results to be posted so I knew where we ended up overall, but I haven't seen them yet.
Saturday was the drive down, and my oh my, after a hour I almost turned around and went home. Pencil was NOT happy.... when I stopped to see what was going on about 20mins into the 3.5 hour drive the pin had come out of the bum bar again and it meant the partition was swinging open/shut on him... so that would account for all the moving around he was going, got some twine and tied the darn thing to the bum bar and the other side and off we went again. He was better but still not standing still like he normally does, and a lot of either pawing or stomping going on, pulled over to check on him again thinking maybe the twine has snapped - nope nothing. So I just shrugged my shoulder and drove on trying to ignore the stomping and carrying on as much as possible before it got me stressed out - I had to remind my self to let my shoulders relax/drop a few times. Last 2 hours of the trip went MUCH better! Phew. Got to the grounds and YAY course looks awesome, everything looks awesome, only 5 odd other trucks/floats there so I got to park directly in front of Pencils yard (yus for not lugging gear around!) Turns out, one of the boots on the offside hind had dropped down to his fetlock and he was likely kicking at that annoying him (note to check I've done them up properly! - never done that before).
Let him have a walk around, threw him in the yard with some hay/water, cleaned out the float (note I need a hose to take with me in future to make it easir as theirs was to short).
Hopped on and went for a ride around the place to check it out, see where everything was, found my dressage arena, the showjumping and the xc start. Did 15min of schooling since I hadn't done any all week (whoops), put him up for the night, friends had arrived and parked next to me so I hung out with them and helped with their 3 horses. Plaited up, and walked the xc course.
Got a little bit boozy with friends and before I knew it, it was 1am and I freak out race to bed knowing I'm riding at 8:50!!! Stupid stupid LOL... turns out it didn't matter, the moon shone on my face in the back of the wagon and woke me up hourly anyway.. no sleeping in for me.
Dressage time, got on and went over, a little bit of a pain as his old owners came along and started to talk to me as I was warming up - I didn't want to be to rude, but it was at my own detrement - 10mins warm up probably wasn't enough, before I stopped to talk to them he was going lovely and kindly, soft and relaxed. When I picked up to carry on, he got tense and distracted - DOH. I thought the test was average, and it was... turns out average isn't that great.. can't have been any toerags in my class we ended up last! I was a bit peeved about it, but when I read the comments it was all extrememly fair and relevant - lack of straightness (true), fussy in the mouth (true), loss of rhythm (true).. so 43 penalties was fair... on the most positive note of the whole test we actually halted square and facing at OUR judge.. something we had not managed to achieve to date! Excited for my friend as she was sitting in 2nd after dressage (same class).
Showjumping... ICK, le sigh.. I am SO SO dissapointed in myself there, and Pencil... 4 FOUR rails... horse, could you please please stop being distracted and pick up your feet. It was NOT pretty, he warmed up ok, but motoring at the fences, not rushing but not relaxed and rhymic... in the ring - and BANG distractions galore.. the truck, the people, the filler on the ground beside the ring... (here I think - give him a chance, he has done 8 SJ rounds in his life) but still... grrr. Afterwards I think, I should have slowed him down and asked for more, but sometimes you get in the ring and everything flies out and its just getting through the round that you concentrate on... not each individual fence.... that is one thing I MUST improve on this coming weekend.
SO we reach the highlight of the day! XC! YAY GREAT PONY, he did SO SO well. Ok, maybe not SO SO, but SO well. LOL. The goal, and one and only goal I set for myself was no stops at fence one and two. ACHIEVED. YUS. Good Pony - so proud.
Doesn't mean he wasn't sticky though - so to achieve my objective, the idea was to FLY out of the start box, as I normally just wind up to a canter after trotting out... He is a funny horse because he warms up fantastically, goes, comes back, jump out of stride, and then we go to leave and boom, its goners. Anyway, we cracked on into a canter straight out of the start box and I was PUSHING him to GO. Got to the first fence, he got a 1,2 with the whip when he backed off, and another one with the whip when he broke to a trot - but jumped it from the trot and landed and weeeee off we went.
Fence One - Red numbered are my fences
Fence 2 - its ugly, no ground line, up hill and camber isn't right... we trotted and got a smack to make it over this one as well - they also opened the flags out so where the girl is standing could be jumped too.
Fence 3 - what a UGLY ugly fence, luckily we didn't have the shadows to deal with when jumping, he got a bit wiggly and rather close to rapped it.
Then there was a decent gallop down to the tree line in the distance of that photo
Fence 4 - this had me a little worried because it was in the shadows, and will be dark and gloomy when its time to jump the next day, the gallop stretch helped, but still trotted the last stride and popped over it. Then it was a curving line straight off this to the next fence. What was worry as well, is all the trucks and floats were parked and thats all you could see through here the next day, no paddock...
Fence 5 - had me a smidge worried leaving the paddock where all the horses were, and its a large fence (luckily sun wasn't a problem), I was rather thankful when I got here, because Pencil could see a horse in the distance further on in the course, but he was very very wiggly and we just about missing the darn fence, jumped it from trot again and on the angle! Happy he jumps from trot so easily!
I then cracked on, gave a smack and a hoi up to get moving - was over this sticky trotting business...
Fence 6 and 7 - normally this would be a A and B fence, with the related strides... but because it was different number meant we could circle between them if needed. Sucked back a little, but cantered through these really nicely, I was really pleased with how he went through here.
Fence 8 - rut rooo.... we erm, ah, had a extra er pass at this one... directly between the jump and the tree... rather than going over the fence. Because I had cracked on at him, we were going a littttlllle to quick, and when he goes faster, sometime the steering responses decrease... never mind, we came around and popped over it nicely second time. What you also can't see is there was a lot going on here with major corner complex and we were right under the trees... so probabaly should have accounted for this some more.
Fence 9 - 90 degree turn off the corner, popped over this (from a trot again), and off for another stretch to move out for a gallop.
Fence 10 - meant to be more of a galloping fence, but we trotted the last stride in as he had a wee look
Fence 11 a/b - under more trees, skinny on a curve and the a fence wasn't really small - this was the fence that had me the most worried and where I expected to have issues... but no, we still trotted into it (BIG effort) and made it through
Fence 12 - there was another long stretch to this, where you can see after is the water complex which was AWESOME, and I went straight over this, carried on and down into the water.. turn left around the "island"
To the left of this pic, we came up out of the water up a small step, 2 strides and over the roll top (Fence 13) you can just see, then turn hard right and back into the water over the small logs (Fence 14) you can see flagged on the RHS of the pic.
Looking backwards at them from Fence 15 just out of the water... these can be a little tricky if the horse is sticky coming out of water, especially up a bank... luckily this was low enough you can trot over it.
Fence 16 a,b,c - up a bank with a small ditch in front (you can't see), down the bank, 4 strides and over C.
Fence 17 - straight forward but a slightly funny line off the C above, I'm standing at the back of C... we cantered this one!
Fence 18 - I nearly come off him here... as you can see - its not that visible, and Pencil nearly tripped over it!! Jeepers creepers, how would that be for bad luck to fall off between this and the flags.
And that was the xc course of 3600m - phew... tired pony and pip at the end - but grinning like mad!
18 Jan 2014 - Big boy, he is growing up!
Photo comparison


Lastest video from early this week.... a few booboos made by me...
Finally - one video. !
What was so fantastic about this ride, and its a shame you can't see it, is that Pencil collected himself up to hit a decent spot on the fence you can here me praising him lots for, without falling behind the leg! The rails over the far right fence I don't care about - the striding was way off (should have checked that first) and then I frazzled him by going at him with the stick. And the other rail you can see he just wasn't balanced coming around the corner - I should really have circled around.
He hadn't seen a double cross rail before and got a bit sticky to it, which is why I rode off the second fence there, second time through I made him go through anyway. The grid was pole, one stride, bounce. That was the first time through it, before video was a warm up, and over the single rail on the left hand side.
There are 3 fences you can't see to the left, and the single rail you can't see was a exercise on a 30m circle, so same fence that you can see... did that a few times and you can only see the second fence... still turning to work on. Today was more about just having a jump, and keeping rhythm on landing, as he quite often backs off on landing and dribbles to nothing.

Lastest video from early this week.... a few booboos made by me...
Finally - one video. !
What was so fantastic about this ride, and its a shame you can't see it, is that Pencil collected himself up to hit a decent spot on the fence you can here me praising him lots for, without falling behind the leg! The rails over the far right fence I don't care about - the striding was way off (should have checked that first) and then I frazzled him by going at him with the stick. And the other rail you can see he just wasn't balanced coming around the corner - I should really have circled around.
He hadn't seen a double cross rail before and got a bit sticky to it, which is why I rode off the second fence there, second time through I made him go through anyway. The grid was pole, one stride, bounce. That was the first time through it, before video was a warm up, and over the single rail on the left hand side.
There are 3 fences you can't see to the left, and the single rail you can't see was a exercise on a 30m circle, so same fence that you can see... did that a few times and you can only see the second fence... still turning to work on. Today was more about just having a jump, and keeping rhythm on landing, as he quite often backs off on landing and dribbles to nothing.
10 Jan 2014 - New Year!
I've done 1 more HT's at training since I last posted - so I moved Pencil up a level, and one went well, one not so well. And I've done a couple of One Day events at training level as well (non affiliated). They were all pre-christmas. During december I had a couple of lessons with a dressage instructor which were fantastic - the goal is SLOW, slooow sloweer, So the rhythm and tempo don't fly out the window, and we will add the power back in later, other wise he rushes to much, and drops the forehand immediately. I'm going to try get another with her in the next couple of weeks.
I have given pencil 3 weeks off over xmas time, and now I'm getting ready to get him fit for the remainder of the season. (A copy of a post from elsewhere) from last nights riding below.
Took pencil XC schooling last night - had a blast - he is such a dude! I rode Wednesday night, and then took him out last night - and thats after he has had 3 weeks off.
We did some big kids jumps too! Took him a little bit to figure it out, but we are getting more and more in sync its so cool. I can ask him to go - and he goes now. For example - the water jump - i've not done much schooling around it because he has been happy to walk in - and thats how I school - go slow and the rider does as little as possible so the horse has faith in himself, and that the rider hasn't asked them to do anything that causes hurt or doubt. It always has to be a good experience. I know some riders who watch me wonder on what I do - but its making itself shown now. I had popped over a roll top, and a couple of showjumps (small) that were in the paddock to start off with. Then went direct to the water jump - walking over, and walked straight up to the drop in and dropped my reins - let Pencil walk in. Trot out the ramp. Canter down the bank next. Canter over a 80cm jump, one stride and in - once through - he is happy and confident. Go straight to the next option up - canter in over a 95cm jump, one stride and jump over a log into the water - that was his first time jumping over something into water - and he did it like he has done it before
Did that one more time so I could have him canter out the ramp and keep moving as he was trotting out (water was deep and splashing us!) So I thought righto - big girl panties on, let try the out options. So over a different log into the water - and a bounce up out of the water over a 1m fence. This IS a ask, its a question for Pencil - he has never bounced up a bank, or done a bounce on XC. First time through he trotted up - so I wasn't worried that he ran off the bounce... he was to busy looking - it was probably confusing for him. Next time through, I put my leg on to say go - and go he did - but don't ask me how he fitted a stride into the space for a bounce up!! But he went over - and that is where the training comes in. He knows where his legs are and how to get them through places that are awkward! I laughed at everyone gasping! Good BOY! Third time through he did is perfectly!
Next I went down a trebble of logs - he was a little sticky so I did it twice. Then let him have a rest for 10 mins, he has just had time off LOL.
Next went over the trac, some pipes, and then I wanted to play around with the bank complex. Up the little steps, then up and down the big bank - he had a wee look at the down bank at first. So did it again. Then the panties got put back on. What we had was a jump up onto a individual "bank" or say a step up onto a box that was seperate from the bank complex, so a 3 x 3m "platform" the back edge has a small log for a ground line, then a 1.5m gap/dtich to the main bank complex that also had a larger log on the edge. So you jump onto the platform, bounce on that over the log and land on the top of the complex. So I trotted up to the platform, let pencil have a look, and asked him to step up onto it, got his front legs up, and then stepped off again. Came in (canter was a little bit pokey) and not quite bounced over it but - got through it
Next time - went through PERFECTLY - YAY - then we toddled off (well cantered) to do a couple of simpler fences to end on. And although they were simple - we jumped the BIG ones! The 1.05m (or what we call Pre-Novice) and he jumped them LOVELY he Looked, I felt him check himself (and he would normally fall behind my leg if he did that), but I could put my leg on, sit and drive and weee he went with no hesitation! I left it at that, I didn't want him sweaty and puffing to hard or to give him a hard workout with the little work he has had lately. I'll start gearing him up now with interval training over the next three weeks, and head back out for more schooling next week where I'll feel happier to send him more forward, and do more.
I'm signed up for a Lucinda Green Clinic - super exciting - there is a Horse Trail at the same location the weekend before, so I'm going to make a week of it - travel up Friday, do the HT over Sat/Sun, hang around Monday and do the clinic Tues/Wed, come back Thursday - which will be fantastic if I have any issues XC at the HT we will be schooling over the same course to go back and fix them! Super dooper excited - haven't told the husband yet (oops). Its 4.5hrs away from home.
Pencil has also filled in HEAPS, I need to post a photo. Some many people commented last night with that look of "wow" can't believe tone - saying he "IS" a solid horse isn't he. Well yes he is - he is just gone 7 now, and has always had a weedy look to him because he hadn't filled OUT and now he is
His canter also felt fantastic and light last night too.
I have given pencil 3 weeks off over xmas time, and now I'm getting ready to get him fit for the remainder of the season. (A copy of a post from elsewhere) from last nights riding below.
Took pencil XC schooling last night - had a blast - he is such a dude! I rode Wednesday night, and then took him out last night - and thats after he has had 3 weeks off.
We did some big kids jumps too! Took him a little bit to figure it out, but we are getting more and more in sync its so cool. I can ask him to go - and he goes now. For example - the water jump - i've not done much schooling around it because he has been happy to walk in - and thats how I school - go slow and the rider does as little as possible so the horse has faith in himself, and that the rider hasn't asked them to do anything that causes hurt or doubt. It always has to be a good experience. I know some riders who watch me wonder on what I do - but its making itself shown now. I had popped over a roll top, and a couple of showjumps (small) that were in the paddock to start off with. Then went direct to the water jump - walking over, and walked straight up to the drop in and dropped my reins - let Pencil walk in. Trot out the ramp. Canter down the bank next. Canter over a 80cm jump, one stride and in - once through - he is happy and confident. Go straight to the next option up - canter in over a 95cm jump, one stride and jump over a log into the water - that was his first time jumping over something into water - and he did it like he has done it before
Next I went down a trebble of logs - he was a little sticky so I did it twice. Then let him have a rest for 10 mins, he has just had time off LOL.
Next went over the trac, some pipes, and then I wanted to play around with the bank complex. Up the little steps, then up and down the big bank - he had a wee look at the down bank at first. So did it again. Then the panties got put back on. What we had was a jump up onto a individual "bank" or say a step up onto a box that was seperate from the bank complex, so a 3 x 3m "platform" the back edge has a small log for a ground line, then a 1.5m gap/dtich to the main bank complex that also had a larger log on the edge. So you jump onto the platform, bounce on that over the log and land on the top of the complex. So I trotted up to the platform, let pencil have a look, and asked him to step up onto it, got his front legs up, and then stepped off again. Came in (canter was a little bit pokey) and not quite bounced over it but - got through it
I'm signed up for a Lucinda Green Clinic - super exciting - there is a Horse Trail at the same location the weekend before, so I'm going to make a week of it - travel up Friday, do the HT over Sat/Sun, hang around Monday and do the clinic Tues/Wed, come back Thursday - which will be fantastic if I have any issues XC at the HT we will be schooling over the same course to go back and fix them! Super dooper excited - haven't told the husband yet (oops). Its 4.5hrs away from home.
Pencil has also filled in HEAPS, I need to post a photo. Some many people commented last night with that look of "wow" can't believe tone - saying he "IS" a solid horse isn't he. Well yes he is - he is just gone 7 now, and has always had a weedy look to him because he hadn't filled OUT and now he is
13 November 2013 - Pencil's First Training Level
Pencil's First Training (NZ) One Day Event
If you manage to read through all of this - its not in vain LOL!! Skip down to the bolded "The event" if you wish to miss other musings
Pencil is my now 7yr old Irish x TB Gelding, whooo I've had for 2 years now - time flys!
This season, we have now competed in two Pre-training HT's (80cm) to get going - he hasn't done much, just the 3-4 ODE's we competed in last season (Feb/March 2013) I was going to do dressage and SJ over winter but it just didn't happen - so we have been schooling all winter.
The first two ODE's can be read about here:
First HT's of the season
So, I decided to move him up to training for this one, I know there will be plenty of people who disagree with that decision given we still have runoffs, and rails at the events. But I have my reasons and can go into them if people ask.
I've ridden this course a lot over the years with different horses, so I knew what most of it was going to entail... more on that later.
I'll start with the week prior because I've got time, and nothing else to fill in the afternoon hours at work.
Thursday evening I went for a ride, and the plan was to do a couple of rounds of SJ at 95cm or a smidge higher since we haven't actually done that before.. plenty of schooling over fences/exercises at height, but no courses.
And this is what happened:
I had a rather funny evening ride today. I wear a HR monitor every ride (trying to drop some weight/get healthy etc while TTC)... and my total time from pulling Pencil from the float (sorry trailer!) to putting him back in was 24mins, that included brush/saddle a quick 4 laps around the arena warm up, a course of 11 fences, 4 times through a simple (but large - squeals!!!) grid, and getting him back in the float. WHY you may ask, did it only take 24mins (and 193cals, av HR of 153bpm)... I got there in the SUN, bright happy sunny weather - lightweight T-shirt and jods - sparkly new boots on too.
By the time I climbed aboard (or was ready to lead him to the arena) I had rain sprinkles.. and saddle cover was thrown on, and I put a rain jacket on.
By the time I was on my third lap of the arena in trot - I had thunder overhead, In the 4th lap, I had the first lightening strike.
As I went over the first fence/jump, thunder struck and I swear I considered checking my undies it was that loud.
On the second time through the grid, I had hail hitting us (hence the big jump at 1.25m - done with ease, and no question about going over - knew he was ready, but I always chicken out, it just happened the grid was set up with it like that and I wasn't getting off to put it down a bit for the first few times through, for interest is was low bounce, one stride med verticle, one stride big ascending oxer) I can't just do it once, have to make sure a) its not a fluke and b) he is confident in it, and not just runnign scared through it
By the time I walked out of the arena (still on) I had thunder, hail, wind picking up and fork lightening hitting near by - I rode straight into my little float LOL
Unsaddled in there, and hefted out.. max speed of 60km/hr on the drive home on open road due to intense rain.
This is heading up my road, and shows that there was sun shining a mere 35mins earlier... if I plot the map on a direct line its 6.6km from home to the arena, and it wasn't raining at home - approx 3 km up this road:
That was not taken in black and white - it was the shear difference in light where I was, to the sun on the Mt you can just make out!
I then went to ride on Sat, a gental hack up the road ready for the ODE the next day... and I could not catch the twerp!!! We had visitors coming for a BBQ in 2 hours and I couldn't catch him. So I though stuff, got the lungewhip out, and essentially free lunged him in the paddock - and he worked HARD.
I also decided it was due time, that I just shampoo'd him, he's never been washed before, I'm not big on washing horses at all (rather lazy), but decided if I'm not going to plait for the show, I should at least make sure he is clean and shiny. So the efforts began. It starts with standing about 4m back from him, getting the hose and just raining it on him. Then emptying a bottle of shampoo over his back and rubbing it in while dodging feet and teeth. Then standing back again with the hose, and having at him until I think all the suds are washed out! And the result - one very PO'd clean horse
THE EVENT - start here if you want to skip the word vomit
Up early in the morning, booted up and on the float(trailer)at 6:30am - a lovely sunny day with a 2ish hour drive there to do
Leaving home:
I snapped some pics on the drive, because its pretty slow going on a lot of it around the twisty turns and you should be able to see them here:
My fav from the drive:
Got to the event fine, a little weary to be honest, and no traffic which was cool. And decided I had enough time to walk the XC... wizzed around that - found that they were running it backwards to every other year and didn't quite fill my nappy, but a couple of fences that I though were unfair and squeak worthy.
Rode the dressage, and while I didn't think it was spectacular, and his lack of balance showed (we just don't ride into the corners yet), it was decent. I was dissapointed that the judge wrote very very little in the comments. One comment on the entry, and the horses paces/submission were all that were filled inbut a respectable score of 70% or 30 penalties, leaving us 4th out of the 6 rider in the class.
Getting ready for XC:
XC was next, and whoops - made my way down to that a bit late, got my gear checked and went across to see there were only 2 riders before me to go EEEEEEEK, so straight into canter and over the practice fence, I haven't done that in YEARS. I hate it, just pure HATE being rushed through warmup for xc. I have a very set in stone routine that I follow every single time. I guess I was just lucky the course was a short one, but not something I wanted to do on his first training xc grrr.
So off we went - jump one was a simple log, wiggle and pop that one - which is good, less sticky than the previous HT's YAY
Jump 2, stacked tyres, we were a bit distracted between fence 1 and 2, and keeping him straight was a bit of a task, and he looked at it at the last minute, so I gave a growl and we chipped in and popped it
Going better now, can't see the parking area anymore, fence 3 looked like it caused some issues, it was just tractor tyres cut in half and mounted on skids... he looked, wbacked off a little and then popped over it nicely though
Fence four was a bit of a ugly line... had to go around a bank that was in the way, and we got a little discombobulated by it, so we trotted the next fence - a simple hutch.
Fence 5 was the bank complex as was unfair as far as I was concerned. A hard turn onto it, almost a roll back from the fence line, up the bank, down the bank, one stride right hand 90deg turn two strides and over a skinny fence. We came back to a trot around the turn because it was to tight and he was a bit strung out, then cantered last stride before going up the bank. It was maybe two across the top, and I thought he was being bold and going for the down bank, but he pecked at the last minute before jumping down, I lost my iron, and dropped the reins - but CLEVER pony, I pulled him around the turn and SQUEEEZED hard and we got over the skinny on long reins and one iron
Fence 6 was a wide shallow ditch, this one, I didn't want to come back to a trot, which is what I've been doing previously to make sure he sees it and goes over confidently - mainly due to the width that its easier to jump it from a canter, and its time for him to be a bit bolder with ditches now. So a "sj" canter and he looked, chipped and popped over it - YAY.
Now we are bowling along between fences, but we got a bit unstuck here
Fence 7, was a sharks tooth or W fence of single rails... he hasn't seen one of these before, and they had big rocks under the points... so when walking, the goal was to line up on the rail on the far right hand side, so to jump it like a straight forward rail... but, but LOL, Pencil looked at it from quite a ways back, and instantly backed off and slowed up to have a good look, he really wasn't sure on it at all, so rather than pulling him of the line he was looking at, we headed into the point of the V to go straight over, a cluck and some leg - YAY
So now we have got a little sticky, the fence 8 was always going to be a big ask, it was a large bank, with a ditch at the base of the bank, and the landing carried away uphill further. Quite intimidating to the rider, horses normally jump banks better with the ground line brought forward from the base - which is what the ditch did (edged by a rail). But the uphill was the killer. We ran off it, the line wasn't direct, it was 8 strides exactly from fence 7, and we didn't get moving again inbetween. This sort of stop is not something I worry about or consider a "bad" thing - its dissapointing it happened, but when you know its a ask for your horse in the first place, and you rode the best you could to get the horse through it, you shrug your shoulders and carry on. We circled around and came again, and he popped up it.
The next fence I was really disspointed in, continue uphill for a bit of a hike, and Pencil still didn't get the rhythm back, and really truely get in front of my leg, its was a full sized roll top, so something that should have been a breeze over... and he quit on me on it maybe 5 strides back and I didn't catch him in time, so by the time I had the whip on him for the smack we were at the fence and not enough gumption/go to go over it, and probably a little big to trot it, so turned around and came again
Between fence 9 and 10 was quite long, so I had enough time to get pencil in front of the leg, it was also downhill which helped.
Fence 10a/b was a one stride, log to skinny log with a drop on landing, which was straight forward
Fence 11 was a pallisade, - quite large, big enough they had a O option fence beside it for the 5 penalties. But he flew it - YAY
Fence 12 was a lovely oxer - and where we got the photo:
Fence 13, I was questioning a little bit when walking, again - he hasn't seen a true brush fence, or anything resembling it was so little he jumped the entire thing, but we couldn't do that on this fence, and it had a top to it as well... so I got the expected look, fall back and pop over it
Fence 14a,b was the water, and JEEPERS, it had a massive drop into it - I stood in it and the drop was at my shoulder height, pretty sure that it wasn't legal height... and the had a time option to the side. I thought lets just see what he does and how he is feeling when I get there, he paused at the edge and then jumped on in - YAY Go PONY
Fence 15 was the last one, and a little ugly in that I don't like completely upright faces to xc fences, I like a good ground like otherwise they tend to rap them with the hinds... but because we jumped out of the water, we weren't moving along, but a slighlyt more compact canter, and essentially SJ it (it was also a corner) and through the flags.
Again, I felt unfair, I walked him back to the trailer after cooling down, got him hosed off and was about to just start chilling out before SJ, when they called us to SJ - he wasnt even dry yet and I started saddling up. Poor guy must have been rather tired.
SJ warmup at this place is terrible, its less than a 40 x 20m arena, and they Always put the two fences in the middle, so to canter around and onto them - its ride a wobbly line, or canter half a 10m circle - and thats just not in the realm of Pencils capabilities.
3 practice jumps, and in the arena.
No t to much to say, he clipped a rail with a front foot when he lost impulsion coming out of a corner (more my fault for letting him fall behind), and the combination was a bit ugly so he peaked at that and took a rail there too (that was really just plain naughty).
So I was right in the xc being a bit tough, only 3 of us weren't eliminated of the 6 in my class (the over 25ys) and no clears. I ended up secondand I claimed it as Pencil's first ribbon. Never mind the score of 110 penalties LOL.
6 October 2013 - Time for big updates
So our first was on the 28/29th September and we entered Pre-Training (80cm)
The first big thing was that I drove the truck, its a 9ton tare weight, so add three horses, and enough stock to get us through 3 days... and it wasn't light, nor small! So I didn't sleep much with nerves - about driving the truck... worst part was the george...
Its a georgeous drive, absolutly stunning to go through - but I didn't see a thing - I was just watching the road... its about 8km from start to finish and I didn't change a single gear the whole way through LOL, 4th Low was sufficient to cruise through calmly.

A few massive hills to drive up as well, and I've never driven a High/low transmission so that took some getting used to, and a couple of stops on hill (lucky they were passing lanes so I wasnt holding up traffic) I did however blush enough that my face was permanatly red the whole drive (from either stopping on hills, or crunching gears ouch!)
But we made it safe and sound!!! 6-1/2 hours later we arrived at the event grounds, had a quick hack on Pencil around the place and camped out overnight for the first time in the truck, one of the friends (owner of truck) made a fantastic meal!!!
This is the truck and Pencil the next morning just before our dressage test

So all this time in the truck, Pencil made some girlfreinds, and he got a wee bit upset when we started warming up for dressage, so I wasn't expecting much at ALL! But he was actually FANTASTIC, a lovely dressage test (few minor mistakes), and we ended up on 64.74% or 35.3 penalties and 5th place!
During the test:

And a very happy end to the test:

A hour later we had SJ, and it wasn't as successful as it could have been. No rails, but time faults. He was off in lala land looking for his girlfriend the whole course... so turning wasn't very sucessful... and we got very flat/strung out, annd it just wasnt pretty! But we stayed in 5th placing

Next day was XC, and we had a excellent time to ride (10am was the start of our class) which is fantastic!!
Pencil warmed up really well, he was very forward, and even slightly pulling which he hasn't been like before! Did the practice fences really well, and wasn't to distracted by other horses/the GF not being by his side.
We started out exceptionally pokey! But no stopping at fence 1 like the first couple last season (hoorah), and a crack with the whip at fence 2 and he started bowling along, which in a way is kinda unfortunate, and or a really poorly place fence 3, a compulsary road crossing in trot, then 3 stride to get over a curving ling one strided double brush (a/b).. Pencil tried REALLY REALLY hard, but it was a little to much for the first HT/ODE of the season, he wigged out a little at the mat across the road (picked his feet up very high!) and didn't see the fence in front, he did get one leg over.. but we just didn't have enough GO. So a circle and a pop with the whip and he went straight through the combo! Fence 3 and 4 are the photo's below.. and from that point on in the xc, pencil could not have done better! There are a few photo's below that are the last couple of fences and the water jump ( he is having a good look, but we didn't get faulted at the water), so ended up 8th, with the 20 faults for the stop.

The next event we drove North... which is a far more horrible drive than south... so again, NERVES over driving the truck.. a BIG hill called Mt Messenger

That is a series of 25km - 35km corners the whole way up, and the whole way down again.. roughly a total of 10km up then down again... elevation of 139m above sea level, we start off at 20m above sea level, and get back there in the 10km.
Then not shortly after that is the Awakino George! 15km plus of windy roads!
Thankfully though, this trip was much shorter (4 hours), and I had working exhaust breaks (they weren't working the week before)... so a better drive with being used to the trucks gears as well (no crunching).
Come dressage this weekend, I made a near fatal error - I got on far too early. A hour to early. I must remember this. Because the other horse was two riders ahead that Pencil is in love with, I got on when she did, or Pencil is near impossible to tack up while calling out and dancing around... which only frustrates me and I get a wee bit angry with the dancing and stepped on toes
So Pencil had completly had enough when it was finallly my turn to ride... and what does he do.... flips the tounge over the bit.
When I get the video of the test, I'll post it.. I really didn't know what to do at the time. Rules are that I can't get off (to fix it) once the bell rings... or I'm eliminated. So I rode the test on my finger tips, just enough to guide him around.. and we got 57%
I was not expecting that kind... it really rode like a much worse test... but most shocking was that the judge didn't pick up on what he did, despite tounge out the side of his mouth going around in circles. I decided after, I should have retired from dressage, that way I still could have ridden the rest of the event.
SJ - well, with 80 something riders to get through, I understand the way the judges ran the ring... however its not fun for green horses. It was windy... very windy... all the fillers had blown over and were on the ground.. so as soon as I trotted in the ring, he shyed at a filler on the ground.. as he shyed.. the bell rang to go. So from entering the ring to the bell was less than 10 seconds... I know that I have a minute to go through the flags, but I never use it, and its time I did. So I picked up my canter and headed for the first fence straight away. No circle, nothing.. so he shyed again at the start "flags" which were giant horse heads... blown over... and we went straight past fence number 1... whoops.
Circle around... and popped the fence, and went around the rest of the course well. He tipped the back rail of a oxer on a double... not entirely sure why, at the time I remember thinking to flat - so that is likely the reason.
So for what ever reason.. the judge was very kind to me, and I only got given 4 faults. Maybe because I was in last place anyway, or they were aware of the short time frame they gave, or they weren't even ready for me to start... who knows. But I am very grateful to them for it. It moved my up to 20th.... out of 21
2nd at the wrong end, oh yea!
I was at the time very very frustrated with the way the day went... but a phone call to trusty Dad reminded me a) this is his 5th competition EVER. Its his 2nd trip away EVER, and 2 weeks in a row is a big ask. So I drank some beer and came to terms with my day
not a great idea.
Mildly hungover the next morning....
XC actually isn't much to write about. I won't be parking the truck near the start box again. Pencil started calling out as soon as he saw it... Fence 1 we trotted, fence 2 I only just got him over after all the eyebawling at the metal on the ground, and patches of mud (i really think he was just looking for a excuses to play up). But after that he rocked on wickedly! Until.... we faced back at the trucks... and we got distracted again... so run off on fence # ten
Much better at the water fence this week, no hesitation... flew straight in, and very nearly ended up on his face in the water LOL
over enthusisatic! (sorry on sp)
Just about bowled over a pedestrian wandering on course... so I hollered a rude comment at her... that really irks me... and we finished up with just the 20 faults. He was blowing much harder this week, than last, so either the heat (it was warmer) or more up/down hills was taxing. So I need to up his wind fitness.. have rung a local training track to go interval training on
I'll post photo's from this event once I've purchase the prof ones...
Professional ones from this event:

The first big thing was that I drove the truck, its a 9ton tare weight, so add three horses, and enough stock to get us through 3 days... and it wasn't light, nor small! So I didn't sleep much with nerves - about driving the truck... worst part was the george...
Its a georgeous drive, absolutly stunning to go through - but I didn't see a thing - I was just watching the road... its about 8km from start to finish and I didn't change a single gear the whole way through LOL, 4th Low was sufficient to cruise through calmly.
A few massive hills to drive up as well, and I've never driven a High/low transmission so that took some getting used to, and a couple of stops on hill (lucky they were passing lanes so I wasnt holding up traffic) I did however blush enough that my face was permanatly red the whole drive (from either stopping on hills, or crunching gears ouch!)
But we made it safe and sound!!! 6-1/2 hours later we arrived at the event grounds, had a quick hack on Pencil around the place and camped out overnight for the first time in the truck, one of the friends (owner of truck) made a fantastic meal!!!
This is the truck and Pencil the next morning just before our dressage test

So all this time in the truck, Pencil made some girlfreinds, and he got a wee bit upset when we started warming up for dressage, so I wasn't expecting much at ALL! But he was actually FANTASTIC, a lovely dressage test (few minor mistakes), and we ended up on 64.74% or 35.3 penalties and 5th place!
During the test:
And a very happy end to the test:
A hour later we had SJ, and it wasn't as successful as it could have been. No rails, but time faults. He was off in lala land looking for his girlfriend the whole course... so turning wasn't very sucessful... and we got very flat/strung out, annd it just wasnt pretty! But we stayed in 5th placing
Next day was XC, and we had a excellent time to ride (10am was the start of our class) which is fantastic!!
Pencil warmed up really well, he was very forward, and even slightly pulling which he hasn't been like before! Did the practice fences really well, and wasn't to distracted by other horses/the GF not being by his side.
We started out exceptionally pokey! But no stopping at fence 1 like the first couple last season (hoorah), and a crack with the whip at fence 2 and he started bowling along, which in a way is kinda unfortunate, and or a really poorly place fence 3, a compulsary road crossing in trot, then 3 stride to get over a curving ling one strided double brush (a/b).. Pencil tried REALLY REALLY hard, but it was a little to much for the first HT/ODE of the season, he wigged out a little at the mat across the road (picked his feet up very high!) and didn't see the fence in front, he did get one leg over.. but we just didn't have enough GO. So a circle and a pop with the whip and he went straight through the combo! Fence 3 and 4 are the photo's below.. and from that point on in the xc, pencil could not have done better! There are a few photo's below that are the last couple of fences and the water jump ( he is having a good look, but we didn't get faulted at the water), so ended up 8th, with the 20 faults for the stop.

The next event we drove North... which is a far more horrible drive than south... so again, NERVES over driving the truck.. a BIG hill called Mt Messenger
That is a series of 25km - 35km corners the whole way up, and the whole way down again.. roughly a total of 10km up then down again... elevation of 139m above sea level, we start off at 20m above sea level, and get back there in the 10km.
Then not shortly after that is the Awakino George! 15km plus of windy roads!
Thankfully though, this trip was much shorter (4 hours), and I had working exhaust breaks (they weren't working the week before)... so a better drive with being used to the trucks gears as well (no crunching).
Come dressage this weekend, I made a near fatal error - I got on far too early. A hour to early. I must remember this. Because the other horse was two riders ahead that Pencil is in love with, I got on when she did, or Pencil is near impossible to tack up while calling out and dancing around... which only frustrates me and I get a wee bit angry with the dancing and stepped on toes
So Pencil had completly had enough when it was finallly my turn to ride... and what does he do.... flips the tounge over the bit.
SJ - well, with 80 something riders to get through, I understand the way the judges ran the ring... however its not fun for green horses. It was windy... very windy... all the fillers had blown over and were on the ground.. so as soon as I trotted in the ring, he shyed at a filler on the ground.. as he shyed.. the bell rang to go. So from entering the ring to the bell was less than 10 seconds... I know that I have a minute to go through the flags, but I never use it, and its time I did. So I picked up my canter and headed for the first fence straight away. No circle, nothing.. so he shyed again at the start "flags" which were giant horse heads... blown over... and we went straight past fence number 1... whoops.
Circle around... and popped the fence, and went around the rest of the course well. He tipped the back rail of a oxer on a double... not entirely sure why, at the time I remember thinking to flat - so that is likely the reason.
So for what ever reason.. the judge was very kind to me, and I only got given 4 faults. Maybe because I was in last place anyway, or they were aware of the short time frame they gave, or they weren't even ready for me to start... who knows. But I am very grateful to them for it. It moved my up to 20th.... out of 21
I was at the time very very frustrated with the way the day went... but a phone call to trusty Dad reminded me a) this is his 5th competition EVER. Its his 2nd trip away EVER, and 2 weeks in a row is a big ask. So I drank some beer and came to terms with my day
Mildly hungover the next morning....
XC actually isn't much to write about. I won't be parking the truck near the start box again. Pencil started calling out as soon as he saw it... Fence 1 we trotted, fence 2 I only just got him over after all the eyebawling at the metal on the ground, and patches of mud (i really think he was just looking for a excuses to play up). But after that he rocked on wickedly! Until.... we faced back at the trucks... and we got distracted again... so run off on fence # ten
Much better at the water fence this week, no hesitation... flew straight in, and very nearly ended up on his face in the water LOL
Just about bowled over a pedestrian wandering on course... so I hollered a rude comment at her... that really irks me... and we finished up with just the 20 faults. He was blowing much harder this week, than last, so either the heat (it was warmer) or more up/down hills was taxing. So I need to up his wind fitness.. have rung a local training track to go interval training on
I'll post photo's from this event once I've purchase the prof ones...
Professional ones from this event:
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