Thursday, August 19, 2010

A New Era

I've called today's blog a new era because - that's what it kinda is.

I've got a pretty bad back, its one of the reasons that I haven't ridden this winter (I normally do the winter dressage series). A herniated disk on the last joint before the tail bone. So as you can imagine it has quite a large effect on my riding - particularily as the pain defers to the front of my hips. I'm in for a Epidural Steroid Injection next week to try get some pain relief and then work on strengthening my back. Most exercise aggravates it, or causes it to spasm and give me tingly toes on calves - never mind the pinch through the bum cheek. So yesterday - my normal physio was away and as always a new set of eyes sees new things - not only that she is qualified in acupuncture. So three needles later, a swear word or two which quote "I know I've hit the spot when I get sworn at" I had a searing cramp through my lower back/hip/groin area. Low and behold - today I felt like a million bucks - and well so did Turbo.

So because of this great feeling - I'm heading back for more, and I rode in a saddle today.

Today's ride was going to be short sweet and succinct... a 15 min power walk, followed by 2 x 3 min trots, and a short burst of canter in the large paddock. However when the back lifted, the ears pointed and the snort came out all my plans went out the window.
I had only been on a mere minute, walked out into the paddock (its about 10 acres), and a house is being built near the front of it, which I had to go around to get to where I wanted to ride.
The person digging the footings of the house through a wad of dirt into the air and low and behold Turbo had his excuse, the bum tucked under and exploded - a quick 1,2 smack had him shooting forwards enthusiastically of which I then asked him to whoa, and he scuttled backwards before I even thought uh oh we had some propping and then what I call the rock and roll horse.
Bum goes up, head goes up, spin sideways, take 2 steps around and start all over again.

So knowing my horse work began. Work settles him quicker than anything. So off we head with a few more spurts farts and warble wobbles in the quickest route around the house to the "flat area" 30m circle started and off we go. Long short long short long short at a trot round and round we go. I must say some good movement out of the extra energy - a bit quick but a nice swinging back, popping active hocks and lovely forwards free movement. A few hard checks every now and then when the back lifted, the canter started and back to the trot we go. One more spazz attack on the way back past the evil man throwing dirt and ride over.

What i find funny about today's ride - Sunday I was out in the paddock planting some golden elms for some shade for twerp and I THREW dirt AT him ON his cover.... would he budge a foot... heck no. And today... well you would have thought he had never seen a man with a shovel.

Fresh as snow flakes and full of beans.

For my own riding - hands still creeping wide, although I feel I did a good job of keeping the elbow soft for most parts, and the legs - well i didn't worry to much about them. Back a little achy today, and def achy in between my shoulder blades so wasn't holding meself right somewhere - I need to go back and watch these video's below.

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