Monday, August 23, 2010

Flying By...

Just a quick one today - I'm due to eat.

I rode both days in the weekend, and today.

Sat, was a short quick walk down the road, back into front paddock. Trotted around the outskirts twice, cantered half a paddock. Came in did enough schooling on the 30m circle to have him going well and called it quits. I had been working all day at the Pony Club and was stuffed by the end of it, as well as riding near sundown.

Sunday - another quick ride, had places to go/people to see. BUT I did clip him, it isn't a good job I can say that right now. He wasn't the cleanest underneath all that hair, and I was doing it by my self - so every time I positioned the front leg forwards to get in under his elbow he would walk forward - so there are some long bits down there. Not insane enough to be putting my head down low to see what I'm doing under his belly/between his back legs - so that got left as well. A few run marks from the clippers in a few places and you have one rough looking job - good thing he had just started loosing the winter coat last week and the new coat should be through and hiding the bad job. For the ride a brisk trit trot around the paddock and slightly longer canter work. He is looking good under that hair i might add - a little lacking in top line but rounder than I expected - YAY.

Today's ride - long warm up because I was going to start some lateral work at trot - still really shouldn't be doing to much yet - however I do have some people coming to look at Turbo to buy him in a week or so... anyway warm up - little trot, big trot. Its what I call it anyway, then same in canter.
Funny story - coming back from canter to trot - who knows what it was - but I was off falling to the ground - will elaborate tomorrow.
Clambered back on - SI in walk, then in trot and haunches in at trot - long walk around paddock and called it quits.

Busting my guts for dinner... argh!

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